Faithfully Uncool with Jasmyne Michelle
Faithfully Uncool with Jasmyne Michelle
Deconstruction: What it is and Why Christians Keep Doing It
Episode 1 goes over deconstruction, particularly in Christianity. It's a crucial part of many people's spiritual journeys and has inspired a lot of thoughtful discussion. We discuss the most popular topics/reasons some Christians have been called to deconstruct their faith to gain a more authentic expression.
Episode 118 of the Bible for Normal People - Does Hell Exist? with Meghan Henning
Episode 144/85 of the Bible for Normal People - The Bible and The Lives of Transgender Christians with Austen Hartke
An inclusive Bible App:
The OurBible App
About Faithfully Uncool:
Site: www.faithfullyuncool.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/faithfullyuncool_podcast/
Email: faithfullyuncool@gmail.com